
21st Century Ireland - Exciting, Ambitious and Open minded.


In the past year alone Ireland has made monumental steps forward. Think the referendum in May, where Ireland became the first country in the WORLD to vote in Same Sex Marriage by popular vote. The world celebrated with us and it got me thinking. I began to think of what a modern Ireland meant to me. I haven't lived on this earth very long, I'm in my twentieth year of life, but I have seen so much change in my country. Positive change and it makes me very excited to be a young person in this country.

Years and years ago, the image of Ireland as a country full of quaint thatched cottages, green fields, men wearing paddy hats, men playing traditional music all day long while drinking pints in a local pub was our way of drawing tourists to the country. For a while that was all Ireland really was. What bothers me is that is still the actual opinion of people in the 21st century abroad, when it is FAR from the truth.

I started talking to friends about what a modern Ireland meant to them, especially now in 2015. I've decided to keep them anonymous but I thank them for taking the time to message me privately and helping with this. I think it just shows how open minded young Irish people are.
"Ireland being the first country to legalize same sex marriage by popular vote gives me hope that a modern Ireland will be an accepting and diverse society. I hope the powerful influence of religion will be something of the past in a modern Ireland" 
- 18 year old UL Student.

The young Irish people I know are full of ideas and strong opinions about the world. I've listened to so many of them talk about topics such as politics, racism, discrimination, film and music. It's very exciting to see that kind of talk among my friends. My friends have such creative minds, I honestly can't wait to see the exciting projects they will do in the future. They have new ideas all the time. The young Irish people I know are intelligent, educated, questioning, rebellious to a degree, innovative. I have friends in bands, friends who organize events by themselves, friends who make me think. Ireland is full of these people. They just need the chance.
"I think Ireland is in a pretty good place, I think we are more open as people but still have progress to be made; there is a pretty deep cultural divide between rural and urban areas, especially Dublin vs the rest of the country"  
-21 year old WIT graduate.

My friend made the point that Ireland is becoming a more "open and accepting country for everyone".In my opinion certain countries tend to dismiss us because we're small. I watch certain documentaries and when English speaking countries are mentioned it is usually the US, the UK, New Zealand and Australia. But we have so much to offer! So many people I spoke to talked about the referendum being such a positive change in Ireland. So when I asked what modern Ireland meant to them, I got brilliantly varied responses.
“I’d say people are a lot more open and modern in Ireland 2015 because of the last referendum to begin with, it’s not old fashioned Catholic Ireland and the majority of people have moved with the times, not being so narrow minded towards different people and their views, opinions, styles and relationships. A lot more things are accepted rather than shunned now. Ireland used to be a lot further behind in terms of technology and media, but not so much anymore, we’re fairly equipped with that these days” 
-18 year old college student

In my opinion I feel that young Irish people should be given more of a voice than they are given at present, as I feel they have so much to say. Irish youth have so many innovative and exciting ideas, it makes me feel positive as to what Ireland will be like when I am older and people I grew up with will be helping to run the country. The international media should consider the ideas of Irish people more seriously, we are just as intelligent, if not more educated. I asked the young people what they thought should improve in Ireland, in terms of life, the arts and our national language. Many of my friends from my course have discussed controversial topics in their blogs and in our lectures. Check out my "Blogs you should keep an eye on" section to take a look.
"I’d love to see a rise in music festivals and events as there are already many going on but I’d like to see the quality improve and an increase in venues , I’ve noticed this already beginning in the last few years and think it will have a great benefit to Ireland in the long run"
- 18 year old college student

One person I spoke to made the point that Ireland should try harder to keep the Irish language spoken as they feel it is a really important part of the country. I found this interesting and was very happy to think that the youth of today consider the Irish language  something that should be protected. Perhaps something will be done in the future to prevent it dying out completely. With Ireland adapting to new advances in technology, who knows, new ways to learn the language may be invented.

"I feel like we're modern but not as modern as some countries, but why would we want to be like anyone else, we're our own country, to hell with how modernized some countries are. As much as I hated Irish in school, I still think its a disgrace that we're losing it and I'm disappointed that our language isn't spoken here a lot. We have a few Gaeltachts here and there, but when you go to other countries you always hear their native tongue, it'd be nice if we could keep the language going"
-19 year old part time worker 

So then I asked what needed to be changed in their opinion in relation to the Irish language.
 "I'd like to see more change, change of government, change of how Irish is taught, obviously this year is a huge year for us, legalizing same sex marriage was a huge step for Ireland considering being gay was only decriminalized in '94 or something? It's sad to see that the music/movie industry in Ireland isn't as big as it could be, you always hear of actors/musicians from America/England but not many from Ireland"
One of my friends spoke about how Ireland is still recognized for its generosity and that generally Irish people are quite friendly. She made the point that Ireland is becoming more welcoming to people of different nationalities deciding to make a life here in Ireland. I think that an Ireland where the youth think that having a mix of cultures is a good thing is a better Ireland for all. Even while going to college in Limerick, I've come across so many people from different counties and countries. I think it's amazing to meet people from countries you've never even been to!
"Ireland has become intercultural over the years. Ireland is still considered to be one of the friendliest and generous countries in the world"
-20 year old college student 

I think what Irish people abroad should be doing is dispelling the stereotypes. I know some of them are lighthearted but some are genuinely embedded in the minds of non Irish people. In my opinion from observing the new people I have met in college, and those around me in the University of Limerick I can see Ireland being really creative, multicultural and open minded. I hope that  making the right judgement. I'm really excited to see what Ireland will produce in terms of films, music, politics, history (Next year is the centenary of 1916, a huge historical moment in Irish history), environmental protection and science. We've so many young people training to work in so many diverse fields of work.

A huge thank you needs to go to the young people who contributed to this post. I've kept them anonymous, but they know who they are. It really meant a lot to me that these people took the time to write out answers to long winded questions. It really shows the good nature of people and their willingness to help. There are people I'd have loved to hear from for this post but unfortunately I was unable to contact them. I'm not preaching but I really think we need to give our country more appreciation. We've got the most beautiful landscapes, from the west of Ireland with the Burren or the Wicklow mountains it's absolutely stunning. There's no doubt as to why it attracts people from all over the world!

Thank so much for reading this post.

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