
Contact me

Below is my Linkedin profile if interested.

Or email me at eilismwalsh@gmail.com.
If you'd like to contact me via Tumblr I will give you the link in a private message.

Partnership Policy.
Email me if you'd like me to review a service or product of yours. However, I'll only review it if I genuinely like the product and feel that people who read my blog will benefit in some way from using it.


Also, lots of the images on this site do not belong to me, they are found usually by using Google Search or Tumblr.com. I will state if a photo belongs to me. If I've used a photo of yours and you wish for it to be removed, please contact me and I'll most definitely oblige. All photos
are used merely for decoration. Full copyright goes to their respective owners.

NOTE: I will also support any young person doing something for charity, making a film for example or a young musician looking for some promotion. 
 Email me with information and I will see what I can do.
