Living with Anxiety: Learning to Cope, Patience and Ways to destress.
19:18Disclaimer: I'm not looking for pity or attention here. I could have posted this months ago, but UL has a really good attitude on mental health so I'm hoping you will too. I hope it helps in some way :)
I felt it was time to discuss something that I have really wanted to talk about. I haven't written this sooner for many reasons. One: I haven't had the time, Two: I didn't want to own up to that fact that I suffer from this, and Three: I am absolutely terrified of people's reaction to it. I know a few bloggers that I am aware of have covered it but I'd like to do it also. So here's the word: ANXIETY.
Here goes. I'll do it today and I'm going to include as many pictures as possible. I think an illustrated post will make it easier for those to understand it. The thing is, despite lots of people writing these posts, colleges and secondary schools writing and campaigning for awareness and understanding, anxiety is still very much a taboo topic. Please take note that I'm not a doctor/counsellor/expert on anxiety so don't take this as medical advice.
The mistake some people make is being afraid or wary of those with anxiety. We're still people obviously. It doesn't take over our lives. At least I do my level best to make sure it doesn't. Some days are worse than others. Some days you can find yourself anxious about absolutely nothing, you get this tight, worried feeling in your chest and you can't settle. Sometimes you can't even figure out what is causing you that stress and honestly it's the not knowing part that makes it worse. I've found there are times when I don't want to be around anyone, but then when I'm alone I don't want to be alone. That's extremely frustrating.
Here's how it works:
From doing some research on this, as far as I know anxiety is your body telling you that you're in a dangerous situation.Your body is trying to protect you. This is supposedly why you feel a desperation to get away from this situation making you anxious. I usually try to run away from the anxiousness by staying very busy. It's why, if you know, that I spend a lot of time in the Stables amongst people. It's a distraction method, albeit a not very good one.
Deep breaths. Think of the positives in your life. Surround yourself with people that make you feel good. Laugh. It's why I've gone to every single comedy gig in UL this year. I need to laugh. Figure out what makes you anxious and try and work through it. Take some time for you. Talk to yourself (you're not mad), tell yourself it's okay. Even if the situation is caused by seeing someone or something that can't exactly be changed. Listen to music that makes you feel good. I love listening to Ben Howard's Keep Your Head Up. Sleep. Yes you get told to sleep to combat a number of different things but it does work. Excercise, try walking or even dancing. I tend to paint when I get anxious.
Don't forget it's okay to feel this way, you're not a freak. If any of my friends told me they felt like this I'd want to help them out. You should try adopt this attitude too.
Talking to a professional really can help. UL has a wealth of facilities in place for you if you need that sort of assistance. It's not embarrassing, you're so brave for taking the steps to look after yourself.
I'm telling you now, don't have shame in looking for help.
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Source for both: ROOKIEMAG.COM |
I told people I was obsessed with the sun, because the sun is a symbol of hope. I'm also very interested in mountains, freckles all over the body, the way you can pick up on a person's quirks almost straight away. I love listening to people talking about things that make them happy. I love spending time in the SU with just the girls who make up the initials, P,M,L,M,R,A in no particular order.
A huge thank you goes to the girls who make up the NME Girls chat on Facebook. I've messaged you all at awful hours of the night and you've all been there for me without fail. I appreciate you all so much. Thank you Pa! We talk a lot of shite but most of the time you can figure out my brain. To my housemate Áine who has had to put up with a lot and who is incessantly lovely, funny and generous. We haven't fought yet! Not to mention my family who never fail to make me laugh. There are so many people who make me smile and they don't even know. It's why I graviate towards them.
As always, photos are merely decorative and full copyright goes to their owners.
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