Introducing me.
Yup, I'm one of those thousands of blogs on the Internet. No, make that millions, I'd say.
I'm Eilís. If you're not Irish like myself you'll probably be wondering what the strange little dash on top of the second "I" is. Well that my friends is what us Irish speakers like to call a "fada". In most cases it causes a difference in the sound of that particular letter. But enough of that.
I'm an 18 year old student from the Republic of Ireland, who'll be sitting her Leaving Cert in six months. And then I'm headed into the great big world of third level education. Doing what I haven't quite figured out yet, but fingers crossed everything will be okay!
I suppose you're wondering why in the name of God is yet another person starting up a blog? Well basically, I had always admired those who had started and actually kept a blog going. Another reason is because I really enjoy discussing things, whether it be the latest blockbuster film, to a topic on the news. I like voicing my opinion and in turn getting to see other people's opinions. I particularly enjoy hearing young people's opinions, firstly because I am a young person myself, and secondly because I don't think we're given a lot of opportunity to voice our opinions.
Blogs can be about anything, from fashion, film, food, life etc. I'm not going to define this blog as anything. I'll cover the topics I want to cover, and any input from the outside world would definitely be appreciated! One of my favourite quotes is "If you don't try, you can never win". This is going to be my mantra starting this blog today. I'm going to be covering topics from bullying, habits, news headlines, Irishness, music, bands, life etc.
Today is December 24th 2013. Christmas Eve. A funny day to post my first post on my blog, but what can you do!? Merry Christmas everyone and I hope this blog is the start of something really cool!
(PS, I apologize for the shortness of this post, but all I wanted to do in this post is INTRODUCE ME!
Thank you for reading.
I love hearing feedback, all constructive criticism welcome!
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