2015: Plans for the New Year and Blogs at present.


“You were given this mountain to prove it can be moved"

I wasn't going to blog about the end of 2015, but I think it's a good idea to close the door on it in a literary sense. I've realized that more people than I had thought had a similar year to me, finding 2015 extremely tough.

Weirdly enough, many people online have stated that 2015 had a part one and part two. A before and after, knowing that it wasn't just me makes me feel that bit better. For me there were many hellos to interesting and amazing people and goodbyes to people I thought I wouldn't have to say goodbye to. 2015 is a year that fills so worn and new still, I feel like I only really lived my life to the full in the first half and held back for the rest of the year. It has been a year of opposites, looking back on it now it seems both interesting and weird.

But I have realized a lot of things about myself.

I've realized now that I hate the number 17 and Wednesdays, That I love words a lot more than I thought I did, hence the huge amount of blog posts. I write a lot more than I put out on the internet. Meeting new people is just as good as keeping friends that you've met previously. Some highlights have been interviewing SAOIRSE RONAN, writing for TheLiberal.ie, Campus.ie and getting the position of sub-editor in the college newspaper An Focal. I'm also proud that my friends and I set up UL's Filmmaking society and are due to get our equipment this semester.

Part of me wants to throw 2015 as far away from me as possible and part of me wants to hold it and never let it go. But you carry on because 2016 is here. My 21st year of life and there are a lot of things planned. I'm scared to hope for good things because I've been let down a lot this year, but I can't live like that, thinking there is nothing to look forward to because there always is.

I'm excited and scared for 2016. Scared for myself as to what the coming year holds, but I'm very excited for what happens to my blog.

Which leads to part two of the blog post. My blog! Major changes have occurred this year. I've upped my promotion of the blog, which has paid off. I've gained thousands upons thousands of views that weren't anticipated. I've interviewed great musicians and have written posts that I am proud. I wrote a post that was taken in the wrong. Love is a finicky, thing, you try tell someone you still love them but it backfires horribly. But anyway.

What do I have planned? I hope to interview more people this year, maybe have a few guest posts. I want to continue my promotion of the blog on various social media and maybe start reviewing restaurants and a few products. I want to talk more about film, add more personal posts and prose. I want to write short stories and post them on this blog for you all to read.

I've been blogging for over two years and I'm just disappointed at how monetised the whole thing is. I write mostly to show people amazing things that I've found and in the hope that others can relate. I don't get paid to write. I've seen so many bloggers write posts that never seem genuine, just so they can be paid to advertise a product. It seems that a lot of bloggers don't care about the quality of posts. Some posts are very short too and to met that seems lazy. However, I know a lot of bloggers who write intriguing, beautiful and thought provoking posts. I am glad to have found them and I hope in 2016 they will continue their beautiful work.

I've come into contact with so many great writers, owners of websites, people in film, really passionate people.Who knows where my blog will take me in 2016?

All pictures used are merely decorative and belong to their respective owners.

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